Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Last Years Soap Trailers

St Andrews Road

This is one of the Soap Opera Trailers from a group in the year above me at school. I have been watching and analysing this in order to aid me in the production of my own trailer.

I think that the music used is very appropriate for a trailer; because it is advertising a new soap opera, it doesnt have a theme tune that audiences recognise yet, meaning that they had no limitations on what sort of music to chose for the trailer. I think it works so well because it has a fairly fast tempo which instantly grabs the viewers attention. As the drama in the trailer increases, so does the tempo and the volume of the music, and at the end when you see the shot of someone laying unconscious on the floor with the pills near them, the volume and pace both decrease, connoting that something bad has happened.

There are no voiceovers in the trailer, but because of the titles, this doesn't affect the piece at all; there are titles saying what channel and time the show is on at the end, and titles throughout the trailer itself giving hints about what will happen in the soap opera.

The storylines featured in the trailer are very in keeping with the idea of a soap opera; homosexuality, suspected drug abuse and relationship problems. However, the trailer is more like a short film or episode than a trailer because the whole story is shown, not just hints or few selected parts. Because of this, they havent entirely followed the conventions of a trailer and so I will try and ensure that my group manage to do this.

Although the main story is shown in completion, there are several parts of the trailer where a storyline is only hinted at. The shots filmed in the wooded area with the bottles and cans all over the floor and the mobile phone arent entirely clear as to what they relate to, which is far more like a trailer. This is good because it is intriguing to the viewer and makes them want to watch the soap opera to find out what it all means, and they are then likely to start watching it regularly.

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