Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4 Part one - social networking

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

1) Facebook
We used http://www.facebook.com/ as a usual tool for communicating with both our actors and
each other. Because it has become such a widely used social networking site nowadays, we found it was quicker and more effective than any other method to send out notices of filming schedules, costume notes and any other information to needed to relay. It was also useful for gaining feedback on because we could share videos of our trailer, rough drafts of posters and magazine covers and have people leave comments on them. This meant that we had a wider range of people able to access our products and so could reach more people in our target audience.

2) Scribd
http://www.scribd.com/bd.com/ has been one of the most useful websites I have used during the rearch and planning stages of this project. With this website I have been able to upload Microsoft Word and Excell documents and have them in a format I could upload onto my personal blog. It was expecially useful when trying to get feedback for y poster and magazine drafts because you could send the website link to friends and family which would take them directly to the page with it on. This has been useful because it has meant I havent had to print out lots of copies and send them or pass them around groups of people; it also makes these documents far more accessible because links can be sent to friends and family who don't live near to you, meaning you are gaining feedback from people in many different areas, ensuring you are getting as wide an audience feedback as possible.

3) Youtube
http://www.youtube.com/ is the website on which I have uploaded my animatic storyboard, my first draft trailer, research into soap opera conventions etc. This is possibly the most commonly used website to upload videos onto in the world, and the amount of people who use it every day is huge. Because of this, this has been a great help for us during the planning stage in particular. We made a video outlining what we percieved as being the most commonly used conventions in soap operas, and uploaded this to youtube to show to our classmates. We also did this with our soap opera trailer and so were able to broadcast this to huge amounts of people. It was a very useful website not only for sharing our own trailers but for accessing real soap opera trailers too. I found several "Eastenders" trailers on here, the original "Hollyoaks" launch trailer and some popular "Coronation Street" trailers. This was helpful during planning because I could compare the launch trailer for "Hollyoaks" to newer trailers and see what had changed, what had stayed the same, what was effective and what had been improved over time. Without the use of youtube, this would have been much more difficult and I would have been unable to analyse as many trailers as I have done.

4) Blogger
http://www.blogspot.com/ is the website on which I have created my individual and group blogs. The benefit of using a blog is that you can keep every part of your project together in one place and it is easily accessible at all times. It has allowed to me encorporate many different forms of media whilst working on my project because I am able to upload video files, Word documents, photographs and spreadsheet as several examples, and so have been able to learn new processes. It has also meant that I have been able to be creative with my research, as opposed to having to just write long pieces of text, when other methods may be more effective.

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