Monday, 7 February 2011

Rough Cut of Trailer

This is the second draft of our trailer which we created using our previous feedback. General feedback this time was positive, saying that our music choice suited the different plots within the trailer. However, our music needs to make use of better transitions where we joint different bits together, as everyone who watched the trailer picked up on this detail.

Feedback regarding the footsteps throughout the trailer was positive, but it was said that the ones used in the very first shot are too heavy for the stiletto heels that Helen is wearing and so we will try to re record this. It was also suggested that we carry the footsteps on throughout the whole trailer, as opposed to just in parts of it.

We were told that the audio levels needed to be lowered in the part where the two women are speaking because they are drowned out by the volume of the music, so we will change this for our final trailer.

It was noted that the reveal shot of Dannielle being pregnant was far more effective with the music in place and so we have decided to leave this shot in our final trailer.

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