Tuesday 19 October 2010

Auditions and audition poster

On 18th October we held our auditions for our soap opera. We auditioned several different people for each part and from that chose those we thought were best for the part. Our first choices are as follows;

Helen - Jasmine Lee
Deano - Tamer Saleh
Courtney - Hannah Cullen
Dannielle - Jenny Pike
JJ - Tom Le Gresley
Aaron - Lewis Spaul
Richard - Nicholas Crouch
Stephanie - Steph Hadlow

For our two younger characters, Charlie and Spencer, Jo's younger brother and Jade's baby cousin will be playing them, with their parents permission. Because of their age and the minimal acting they will be doing, we didn't need to audition them.

We created an audition poster which we put up around the school, advertising what the auditions were for and who was eligible to apply. This is the poster.

Audition Poster

We put the audition video together as a group, each of us doing a voiceover explaining why certain people were good for the role and why we liked them. This is our audition tape, and it can also be found on the group blog. We used the program Final Cut to make the video.

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