Me and Jade created the original storyboard in accordance with the planning sessions we did as a group. The reason we did this is because it helps order our ideas and makes things like writing the final script and location scouting easier because we all know exactly what the storyline is. On the
group blog, I added written directions underneath each photograph to explain what was happening in regards to shots and sound.

This would be a close up of a pair of red shoes walking along a pavement, with the extra diegetic sound of the shoes enhanced as they click on the pavement. The colour red connotes sexuality and so the audience is instantly aware of the type of trailer it will be, and the type of character who is wearing the shoes.

This is the first of three quick shots - mainly mid shots - which show different people going abouttheir normal daily life, but being distracted by the mysterious character walking past.

This is the third shot which again shows a different group of people in their oridnary lives. The people seen in these three shots are not central characters and their role is only to build suspense.

This is a wide shot looking straight down the middle of a straight road. The character in the red shoes is shown entirely for the first time and she is walking down the road pulling a suitcase behind her. This denotes that she is either moving in or out of the area, and in this case she is moving in. The red shoes and bag are subconsciously linked the Virgin Airways adverts and so the audience will be reminded of glamour. The way that people are grouped on the pavement either side of her is reminiscent of a cat walk.

This shot is a cross between a wide shot and a close up in that three pairs of shoes and the wheels of a pram are seen only. In this shot, the non diegetic music would change in tempo in that it becomes faster and more disorderly, insinuating that disorder will be bought to the soap opera.

Another wide shot is used to show the children all grouped around the main character, Helen. They are in an arrow formation walking behind her down the road, instantly making it obvious to the audience that they are family.

This shot starts as an over the shoulder shot as Helen walks past and then goes to a mid shot, where Richard and Stephanie are seen. In this, Richard winks at Helen, shifting away from Stephanie, who turns to slap him. Extra diegetic sound it used to enhance the sound of the slap.

This is a mid shot where Courtney is seen from behind. As he walks past, Deano smiles at her, and as she smiles back, a reveal shot is used to show that she is pregnant. An over the shoulder shot facing Deano is used to show her stood behind her as he hurries off.

The final shot is another wide shot from a dutch angle, showing the family stood positioned around Helen, with the other central characters slightly further back.
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